Attendance is always a priority for Woodlands Academy as we know that pupils cannot achieve their full potential if they do not regularly attend school.
Woodlands Academy has an aspirational target of 95% overall whole school attendance. We know how important it is to work with parents and carers as well as other professionals to support pupils to attend school every day.
We have a dedicated attendance leader, Sue Killips, who oversees all aspects of tracking, monitoring and supporting pupil attendance. Should you wish to contact the attendance lead please do so by email or phoning school on 01790 753902.
In line with our attendance policy (you need to hyper link the policy from the policy page) we work with parents/carers at the earliest point of concern, to help address any underlying reasons for irregular, low or persistent absence.
Working with parents, carers and professionals
Sometimes it can be difficult for parents/carers to determine whether their child is well enough to attend school. The NHS link provides clarity about if their child can attend.
If your child must be absent from school, for example if they are too unwell to attend school, please ensure that you inform school by 9.30am with a clear explanation with the reason for absence so that we can accurately code the register.
We do not authorise holidays during term time. If parents require their child to be absent for exceptional circumstances, they must email the Executive Headteacher:
Tracking and monitoring attendance:
We recognise that pupils may have specific reasons why they can’t attend school, such as medical appointments that can’t be taken outside of the school day however, we set our expectations high and analysis any improvements or decline in attendance for individuals and groups of pupils. Below is a summary of our attendance ladder:

School attendance data compared to National special school average