Over a number of months, pupils in year 11 have been using their Land-Based Studies and Design & Technology skills to work on large projects to re-new and develop a number of bridges as well as a pond dipping platform in the Forest School at Woodlands Academy.
Pupils have been responsible for removing the old structures, preparing the ground and constructing and installing the new bridges and barriers to the pond dipping platform.
Throughout the projects, pupils had to overcome a number of challenges and work out how to safely carryout the tasks.
When asked, all pupils said they enjoyed working on large real life projects, which will help the school to enhance the woodland. They were all really pleased with the look of the bridges and how well they turned out!
Moving forward, pupils across all year groups have one more bridge to construct, install new footpath edging, and in the spring assist in the development of a new outdoor classroom area, which will be covered with a purpose made parachute.