Business Breakfast Success!

Pupils at Woodlands Academy enjoyed an inspiring morning on Friday 12th January as they took part in a carousel of personalised one-to-one careers conversations with eight local and countrywide businesses.
After a delicious breakfast cooked by the school Food and Technician Lead, classes took it in turns to tuck into a feast of speed talking conversations. Every pupil had 3 minutes at a time to interact with each of the businesses, providing opportunities to learn about the organisations, the work they do and discuss career ambitions.
School staff and visitors alike were impressed with the fantastic engagement from pupils in all classes, describing the event as ‘heart-warming’ and ‘inspiring’. It was also noted how so many pupils had ideas for their future prospects, including careers as designers, restaurant owners, armed forces and video game testers.
Staff at Woodlands Academy are now hoping to share the successes of the event with schools across CIT Academies. They would also like to thank the visiting organisations, which included:
· Boston College – offering a number of courses to pupils when they leave school
· Access Creative College – providing information on a number of creative courses and apprenticeships
· Polypipe – who gave practical demonstrations of their recycling initiatives
· Nacro Education Boston – vocational and employability courses for 16-19 year olds, a popular pathway for a number of former Woodlands Academy pupils
· Lincolnshire LEP
· Department for Work and Pensions
· Walnut Care
· CIT Academies