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Email: enquiries@woodlands-cit.co.uk

Celebration Assemblies

Woodlands Academy

During our weekly assembly, we have an awards ceremony for the ‘Winners of the Week’ to collect their trophies. Below shows our recent pupil winners!

17th January 2025

10th January 2025

Lower School Reader of the Week


Upper School Reader of the Week

Alfie P

Lower School Writer of the Week

Henry K

Upper School Writer of the Week

Lora S

Lower School Mathematician of the Week

William B

Upper School Mathematician of the Week

Layton L

Lower School Kindness of the Week

Noah T

Upper School Kindness of the Week


Lower School Sportsperson of the Week

Joshua R

Upper School Sportsperson of the Week

Stanley F

Lower School Pupil of the Week

Conner W

Upper School Pupil of the Week

Cody R

Lower School Tutor of the Week


Upper School Tutor of the Week


Lower School Behaviour of the Week

Layton F

Upper School Behaviour of the Week


Lower School Cook of the Week


13th December 2024

Lower School Reader of the Week


Upper School Reader of the Week

Levi P

Lower School Writer of the Week

Freddie C

Upper School Writer of the Week

Dec M

Lower School Mathematician of the Week

Matthew M

Upper School Mathematician of the Week

Taio L

Lower School Kindness of the Week

Maddison B

Upper School Kindness of the Week

Oscar W

Lower School Sportsperson of the Week

Joshua C

Upper School Sportsperson of the Week

Samuel P

Lower School Pupil of the Week

Ethan B

Upper School Pupil of the Week


Lower School Tutor of the Week


Upper School Tutor of the Week


Lower School Behaviour of the Week

Maddison B

Upper School Behaviour of the Week


Lower School 100% Attendance!

Aayden S

Upper School 100% Attendance!

Layton L

Most Improved Attendance Otherall


Lower School Cook of the Week

Joshua R & KS

29th November 2024

Lower School Reader of the Week

Aayden S

Upper School Reader of the Week

Stanley F

Lower School Writer of the Week


Upper School Writer of the Week

Regan R

Lower School Mathematician of the Week

Henry K

Upper School Mathematician of the Week

Finlay H

Lower School Kindness of the Week

Kaedon S

Upper School Kindness of the Week

Mitchel L

Lower School Sportsperson of the Week

Joshua R

Upper School Sportsperson of the Week

Harley F

Lower School Pupil of the Week

Matthew M

Upper School Pupil of the Week

Leah R

Lower School Behaviour of the Week

Bobby S

Upper School Behaviour of the Week

Owen M

Lower School Cooks of the Week

Ethan B and William B

22nd November 2024

Lower School Reader of the Week

Jack W

Upper School Reader of the Week

Harley F

Lower School Writer of the Week

Joshua R

Upper School Writer of the Week

Owen M

Lower School Mathematician of the Week


Upper School Mathematician of the Week


Lower School Kindness of the Week

Maddison B

Upper School Kindness of the Week

Oscar W-H

Lower School Sportsperson of the Week

Henry K

Upper School Sportsperson of the Week

Dec M

Lower School Pupil of the Week

Bobby S

Upper School Pupil of the Week

Stanley F

Lower School Behaviour of the Week

Riley N

Upper School Behaviour of the Week

Taio L

Lower School Cook of the Week

Harvey T

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