On arrival at Woodlands Academy all pupils are placed in to one of four houses, helping them to develop a sense of team spirit, make new friends and become increasingly more involved in school life. The house system is at the heart of our school and enables pupils to work together cohesively across the year groups as a team. Our four Woodlands Houses are:




The School’s House System
The aim of the School’s House System is to encourage both individual and team motivation and to ensure all pupils aspire to achieve success, both inside and outside Woodlands Academy. Pupils will have a sense of ownership for their house and we aim to provide a wide range of sporting and educational competitions to promote teamwork and community spirit.
Within the House System there will be important roles of responsibility for pupils such as House Captains. We encourage pupil’s to progress into these roles and offer leadership, guidance, and support to all within their house. All staff are allocated a house and they are available to help support these houses throughout the year.
Every house achievement also builds up points for their house. In addition, individual pupils gain points for their house through their behaviour and attendance. The results of all these points count towards the presentation of the house trophy at the end of each school year, and the winning house will meet to organise a house trip to acknowledge their accomplishments.