Woodlands take learning to a new dimension

It has been an exciting term for Woodlands Academy with the delivery of the school’s new 3D printer.
Year 11 pupils had the privilege of unboxing and setting it up, which created quite a lot of excitement, especially between departments and staff!
The acquisition of a 3D printer will help those pupils working on projects in Design Technology, Engineering, Science, Catering and Photography by constructing efficient and high-quality design images to support the production process.
Woodlands Academy are committed to ‘ensuring our pupils are prepared for their future both within the world of work and/or further education and beyond’. The use of the 3D printer will provide further opportunities to experience the resources used in professional environments, developing another skill pupils can take into their future careers.
One pupil explained, “I am always amazed by the different things we can do with images. My friends in Photography always produce stunning pictures and now we have the opportunity to do this in even more subjects.”
Watch this space for the first public 3D images!